Build Sustainable Awards 2016

2016 Sustainable Building Awards Build 39 Company : NGO: Amis des Etrangers au Togo (ADET) Name : Dosse Sossouga Email : [email protected] Site : Address : Avenue Jean Paul II Lomé-Togo Tel : (+228)22 34 98 06/99 49 58 59/92 47 34 95 stablished in 1996, ADET is committed to sustainable goals, aiming to support the end of racism and the beginning of a more sustainable life for everyone on the planet. Dosse depicts how far the firm has come since inception and how it is looking to achieve its aims. “Sustainable development goals was an inspiration we had in 1996 when we created ADET with the vision to fight against racism and support the environment. “Today our dream becomes a reality with the sustainable development goals which we have set up, which cover social development, economic development and environmental resiliency throughout the world. “From Rio+20 to the adoption of the Sustainable development goals by the World Leaders, we have been present throughout various developments around the world. We were integrated in the UNTEAMWORK for the sustainable development goals implementation for human prosperity, dignity, peace, gender equality and poverty eradication around the world. These goals must be implemented by governments, civil societies, the private sector, religious groups and other stakeholders.” According to Dosse the NGO’s key challenge is funding, although ADET is always developing around this challenge in order to achieve its goal. “The key challenge we face is lack of financial opportunities for the holistic programme we have planned. Until now, everyone who supports us has been volunteers, supporting us in our activism and lobbying. The benefits in my region are that we have free assembly. If we can gain financial support, we will change many things with our holistic programme for the sustainable development goals in Togo, in Africa and in the rest of the world.” In his final comment, Dosse was keen to thank everyone who has supported the firm so far, and to predict an exciting and prosperous future for the firm. “This award is an opportunity for us to reinforce our creativities, our engagement to participate to the sustainable development implementation in Togo, in Africa and around the world. We would like to thank our supporters and ask that they continue to invest in NGO: ADET over the coming months and years to help us build a sustainable, supportive and inclusive future.” Best Sustainable Development Firm 2016 - Western Africa & Best Rural Power & Electrification Project: Togo Amis des Etrangers au Togo (ADET) is a NGO committed to fighting against racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia around the world. Dosse Sossouga talks us through how this aim involves supporting sustainable development and ensuring that traditionally repressed societies have the infrastructure to support themselves and help the environment. E AR160096