If you’re constructing a new home, there are rules that must be followed. But when you’re in a community managed by the Home Owners Association (HOA), you might encounter more of these rules.

This guide will give you information and reminders on what to do when building your home in a community with an HOA. 

1. Dealing With HOA Management

Even as you have the building plans from the construction of the dwelling and the landscaping, you’re likely going to be dealing with the HOA.

There are property management set-ups like the Community Association Management in Charlotte NC formed by an elected board and granted responsibilities to help manage the shared community. These boards are elected through regulated elections, and most states, like California, even require the presence of an HOA inspector of elections CA. They have a system for managing the HOA budget, expenses, maintenance, and repairs. They may also hire contractors and vendors to perform maintenance services on facilities.

That said, if you’re going for a major home project, you can’t disregard the rules set by the association if you want to build in the community. The association seeks to carry out the rules, bylaws, and services of the HOA. Before renovation or a new construction, you must first seek the management and provide your project plan to the HOA. Proceeding with construction without permission and approval could land you some hefty fines depending on the community rules.

2. HOA Covenants And Construction Rules

The HOA enforces the CC&Rs or covenants, conditions, and restrictions that describe the limitations and requirements of what you’re allowed to do on your property. The CC&Rs aim to protect and enhance property values in the community. That means even if you have a house design prepared, it may not receive approval because it can endanger the value of the rest of the homes in the community. For example, the paint colour you choose for your door and shutters can negatively impact the value of neighbouring homes. It’s called external obsolescence that can cause depreciation through environmental, economic, and social forces. It includes outdated finishes or architectural designs. If the community has contemporary homes, building a Victorian-themed home can affect the property values of the neighbourhood.

Another example is construction noise which can affect the peace in the neighbourhood. These are examples of economic obsolescence where real estate can lose its economic value because of noise and outdated home designs.

3. Permits Are Mandatory

Whether you’re building or renovating a home, the contractor must first obtain permission from HOA and secure the proper building permits, especially if renovation entails modifying the structure of the existing house. Cities regulate the construction of structures to ensure these are within the set standards that ensure the safety of the residents. The fees paid for the permits also cover expenses related to housing regulations. 

Depending on your city, you may need permits for electrical, mechanical, and plumbing systems.  So, check if this applies to you.

Ensure that the permits are secured even before construction begins. Otherwise, you run the risk of wasting resources if the work you started on isn’t allowed under the HOA construction rules.

4. HOA Building Committees

The HOA oversees even home modifications through an architectural or building committee team. Those living in communities with an HOA may have to submit design and building plans and get the committee’s approval before proceeding with the changes. It doesn’t apply if the resident only wants a little DIY interior project. 

Not only must you obtain a city permit, but HOA may also require a permit from them before construction proceeds. The HOA will also likely require the homeowner to follow any strict requirements relating to the construction of the home. It’s essential to work with the HOA committee and personally learn about specific limitations that are documented, such as where trash bins should be or construction time restrictions to limit the noise in the area. 

Some rules may also apply, such as banning portable toilets and trailers or regulating how many construction vehicles can come and go in the community. It’s also possible to be asked for a complete timeline of the construction completion. 

In Conclusion

When choosing to live in an HOA-managed community, you must work with an architectural committee to build a house. The HOA will enforce restrictions and limitations that protect property values in the community. You’ll need to submit your home design plan for approval, secure the necessary permits, and follow community rules such as construction time to mitigate noise. It’ll help you secure the value of your property when you choose to work with your HOA.