You may have to sell your house for reasons unforeseen, in the near future. It only takes a job offer in a different city, or new neighbours that have turned your life into a nightmare to make you decide that it is time to go. If you decide to wait until the last minute to renovate your house, chances are that you will not be able to recuperate the costs fully. But if you proceed now, you can enjoy the renovations for a while and benefit from a better sales price when the times come. Here is what you should focus on.
Do You know How Much Your House is worth Today?
Even if you don’t plan on selling your house within the next few months, it is always good to keep tab on its value. Especially now that there is an online tool that helps you do so easily and rapidly. When you enter your address into the house value estimator, you will be asked a few questions about your property, including your address, the number of apartments it holds and the year of construction. Thanks to this information, it will provide you with the real value of your house. After that, if a buyer shows up unannounced, you will know if his offer is worth entertaining.
The Kitchen
Where does the new generation like to hang in the house? The answer is: The kitchen. Whereas previous generations would sit in the living room or simply play there, on the floor, the Gen Z just wants to stay around mum and dad, as they prepare dinner. This is where they do their homework and enjoy spending time with their siblings too, as they grab a bite to eat. The Kitchen has become the heart of a home and strengthened its status even more during the repetitious COVID-19 lockdowns.
What a modern kitchen needs, is a lot of sunlight. One of the ways to solve this, is by inserting floor-to-ceiling glass doors. Then, the walls should be painted white, or using a very light tone. Only the smallest wall can be painted in a darker colour, if you want to make a splash. The kitchen should be like all the other rooms of the house: uncluttered.
A Storage Room
Most owners don’t think to keep an empty room for storage. It used to be considered as wasted space. However, new buyers look for storage rooms, as everyone knows how important it is, these days. For a while, the solution was to pay for a locker room, somewhere nearby. But what is the use in that? Most of the items that are stored in such spaces never get to see the light of day again. And so, people pay for extra space to store items that they will not use in the future. If the same objects were in the house, they would certainly be useful at one point or another.
Make sure the bathrooms are updated as well. This can be a deal breaker for many home buyers, today. And don’t forget to enter the renovation date when you use the house value estimator again, to see how much value your house will have gained.